London (CNN)As Boris Johnson’s time in Downing Street comes to an end next week, Westminster watches are privately speculating what he might do next.
Johnson’s closest allies believe he is furious at the way he was forced from office through political pressure on the back of scandals rather than at the ballot box, something he hinted at in his resignation speech in Downing Street when he blamed his ousting on Westminster’s “herd instinct.”
“Many of my colleagues and I believe that he could and should have risen out the storms over the Partygate and Chris Pincher scandals,” says one of Johnson’s long-standing political allies, referring to illegal parties that took place in Downing Street during the Covid pandemic and revelations that Johnson appointed a government deputy chief whip despite knowing of past allegations of sexual misconduct.
“The scrutiny came from the media, not the public, and I am afraid that his own Members of Parliament buckled under pressure. I think he still has unfinished business and I would hope he remains politically active,” the ally adds.
Whether or not Johnson could realistically return to his position as PM is another matter of debate. Johnson has promised to support whoever takes over as leader and jokingly said that his endorsement of a candidate could be the kiss of death.
However, a former campaign manager and friend of Johnson thinks that if things start going south for his successor, Johnson could start to get ideas about a resurrection.
“He can legitimately say that he was never beaten by the electorate. He was never beaten by his own party — he won his confidence vote,” the friend says. “As weird as it sounds now, it would help his media career if he keeps the idea of a return open, and it would also keep the real prospect alive. The two go hand in hand.”
Those who worked with Johnson in Downing Street are unconvinced that Johnson’s promise of loyalty is worth all that much.
“He promised the Spectator he wouldn’t run for parliament then did. He has a history of doing what is best for Boris,” says a former Downing Street adviser who has worked with Johnson throughout his political career.
“If the polls start to drop once the new leader is in power, I would be amazed if he doesn’t go with whatever way the wind is blowing. And if it looks like things are going badly, he could easily whip up Conservative MPs to the point they think once again only Boris can fix the problem and win the next election.”
Absent from this analysis so far is the uncomfortable truth that the public hasn’t had any say in Johnson’s removal or the appointment of his successor. If things start going badly for the next prime ministe
r, it would be possible for the Conservative party to remove them and theoretically restore Johnson as their leader.
Updated 0420 GMT (1220 HKT) September 3, 2022
Sources from: CNN
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